Dear Staff of The Coppice,

I wanted to say thank you to all of you for another great year at school. Thank you for teaching, guiding, and looking after our son so well, and for supporting us as a family. I hope you all have a great summer, and we will see you in September.



Following receipt of pupil school reports we had this email from one of our parents:

"I just want to say thank you firstly to Mr Malone but also to all the teachers and TAs who have taught and supported J. 


I showed him his report and he was justifiably proud and he said "well who would have thought at primary school I couldn't read I don't think I learnt anything and look at me know thriving " 


He is thriving because of all the work you do and for showing him perseverance works. "



Good morning, Myles,   

It was lovely to welcome your school onto site last week. I hope the children had a good time and learnt a lot. Our volunteers were full of praise for the group and wanted me to pass on some of their feedback:

 ‘A lovely group of children. Polite, well behaved, and really interested. The group asked many interesting and very relevant questions. They also talked to me all the way around the tour, between the memorials. The young people were a credit to the school’

‘Pupils were alert, engaged and asked very good questions. A fantastic group’

‘A lovely group who were very keen to learn’ 

Please do pass this onto your students. It really does make a difference for our guides when the children are engaged and want to be learn!

National Memorial Arboretum. 11/22


A grandparent dropping off their gran child  "praising how well the school taxi and parental pick up was organised and how it was clear that safety was taken seriously" 01/23


Dear Mrs Ahearn,

I am just emailing to say a truly heart-felt thank you to all students and staff at The Coppice Academy, where I have had the privilege of working since the second day of this term. I was very sad to hear that Friday was my last day, but very much look forward to being invited back whenever you might need my skills as a teaching assistant or teacher. The behaviour of students is second to none, with a most impressive school full of well-mannered, polite and exceptionally gifted children and staff at all levels. If you get the chance, please do pass on my sincere gratitude to everyone.



Dear Coppice School,

We just wanted to say ‘thank you’ to all the staff of Elm class, and indeed to all the school staff who have been involved with Alfie this year, for a wonderful year of learning and opportunities. We really do appreciate all of your input and your help during the school year - it makes a massive difference to all of us. 

I hope you all have a peaceful and enjoyable summer break. 

See you in September. Rosewood class beware!


Lisa Wilson from Music Entrust said:

"The pupils at the Coppice are absolutely fabulous and I have been missing our Thursday afternoon sessions."