Key Information


  1. Contact details

  2. Admission arrangements

  3. Uniform

  4. Link to Ofsted Report

  5. Exam and Assessment Results

  6. Link to information on the DFE performance tables website

  7. Opening Times

  8. Curriculum

  9. Remote Education Information (during any periods of term-time closure)

  10. Behaviour Policy (and Anti-Bullying Policy if separate from Behaviour Policy)

  11. Pupil Premium Report

  12. Other Funding Grants Information

  13. Equality Objectives

  14. SEN Policy, SEND Information Report, and Local Offer details

  15. Careers Information

  16. Complaints Policy (and Whistleblowing Policy)

  17. Annual Reports and Accounts (link to Shaw Education Trust website)

  18. Governance Information (readers may also use this link to go to Shaw Education governance page)

  19. Charging and remissions policy

  20. Ethos and values

  21. Accessibility Plan for disabled Pupils

  22. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

  23. Equality Act 2010 (Gender Gap Information) Regulations 2017

  24. Executive Pay