Promoting positive behaviour and excellent attendance is the responsibility of the whole Academy community. The Academy will promote positive behaviour and good attendance through its use of curriculum and learning materials. 

We would like to remind you about the importance of good attendance and punctuality, which as an Academy we take very seriously.  Days off school soon add up and missing lessons makes it hard to avoid gaps in learning, resulting in students having to work harder when they come back to catch up and missing vital information that will prevent their progress.  There are 175 non-schools days a year for holidays, cultural experiences and family time.  It may be useful for you to know what attendance figures mean for your child.

All absences must be reported by 9.00am each day, either by calling us, if we do not answer please leave a  message or email using  If you know your child is going to be absent, please let us know in advance.

Arriving late to school and into lessons is very disruptive for the teacher and other class members.  It also means that a late student misses important information from their teacher. All students should be at the Academy, on time, every day the Academy is open.  The Academy day starts with registration at 8.40am and students will be expected to be in the classroom at that time.